
Had diarrhea yesterday. Don’t know what food was wrong.  I had the first discharge early Monday morning. Thought it would ok and went off to work. There my tummy was groining all the time. So i had some pao ti yan (i was out of stock for imodium). Immediately after re toilet again. Then i decided to go back home. On my way back i went to the pharmacy to buy imodium. The first one i called did not have it. It had another pill for diaarhea but it was more powerful, according to the pharmacian. It was like an antibiotic pill and it was 200mg. Since it was new and its doses was more than 100 times in antidiarrhea pills i did not buy it but instead went to another drugstore where finally i got what i wanted and also bought some serum.

Since i was totally dehydrated i took some serum, immediately after which re toilet again. Afterwards i intook the pill and went to prepare some soup for me. Yes! no toilet this time. Then i took some rest for i was completely tired. I woke up around three to recook some soup and to prepare dinner (which consisted of heating up eve’s dinner) for the rest of the family.  This time i was pretty hungry and emptied the cooking pan. Off to sleep again to wake up at nine where i ate some apples and reslept to wake up in the morning. Off to work again. Business as usual. Sigh!!! And accummulated work too…Feeling sleepy now. Sweet dreams to all, rrrrrrrrrrrr!!

4 Responses to “Diarrhea!”

  1. Yashvin says:

    Hope u doing better now!

  2. tapijo says:

    One thing for sure, no more tummy ache and discharge. Thks

  3. Theo Shaw says:

    one time i got diarrhea attack while riding on a long bus trip, it really sucks”*,

  4. tapijo says:

    What happened? Did you manage to stop the bus?

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